Grief Counseling

You don’t have to navigate loss alone.

Grief Counseling

“Grieving doesn’t make you imperfect. It makes you human.”

— Sarah Dessen, “The Truth About Forever”

two women grieving

What is Grief Counseling?

While loss is an inevitable part of life, its sting can leave us reeling with pain. Grief, our natural response to loss, can engulf us in intense sadness, overwhelming emotions, and even physical symptoms. Whether it's the death of a loved one, an unexpected job change, the end of a relationship, or grappling with health challenges, grief knows no bounds.

Grief counseling is a space where we can reframe our losses, find solace in our pain, and unearth the strength within us. At The Therapy Office, we understand the complexity of grief and its profound impact on our lives. We're here to accompany you on this journey, offering care, compassion, and a safe haven to explore your grief and rediscover your resilience.

Understanding Grief

As therapists, we hear it time and time again.

“Why is this bothering me so much? It was just a _______!”

The short answer? You’re human. You have complex emotions and change can be terrifying. Grief isn’t just about death. It’s a change in your identity, leaving you to feel lost and alone. Your depression starts to convince you that no one will understand what you’re going through - taking you further and further away from your support system and deeper into isolation.

At The Therapy Office, we believe that grief gives us a power to connect with ourselves. It provides us with the opportunity to discover our true strength and the importance of a relationship with ourselves.

Our therapists will guide you through the barriers and triggers that are keeping you isolated from your support system. As real-life humans, we’ve been there too. We want to empathize with you, be in the moment, and show you that you don’t have to feel these feelings alone.

Do I need Grief Counseling?

Grief has a way of permeating every corner of our lives, leaving behind a trail of intense sadness, impaired functioning, social withdrawal, physical discomfort, and a heavy burden of guilt and regret. If you find yourself grappling with any of these symptoms, know that you're not alone, and grief counseling can offer a beacon of hope in your darkest moments.

While we're familiar with the concept of the stages of grief, we understand that grief is as unique as the individual experiencing it. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to healing from loss. That's why, in our counseling sessions, we prioritize listening to your personal narrative, honoring your individual journey, and collaboratively discovering the healing process that resonates with you.

Our ultimate aim is to guide you toward finding peace amidst the upheaval of change. We recognize that the idea of embracing change can be daunting, and we're here to walk alongside you, offering unwavering support and understanding every step of the way.

In grief counseling, we equip you with practical coping strategies, provide a safe space to process your emotions, and assist you in uncovering meaning and purpose in your newfound reality. While we can't promise that everything will return to the way it once was, we believe that healing is possible, and we're committed to empowering you on your journey toward finding solace and renewal.

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”

— Mitch Albom, “Tuesdays with Morrie”


  • Everyone’s experience with grief is different. For some people, grief can lead to a deep and purposeful connection with themselves. With that being said, grief counseling can help you adapt to a new normal - giving you the peace you need to function in your day to day life.

  • During the first session, your therapist will gather your history and background. This will help us get to know you and discover what methods will work best for you.

  • When you fill out the new client form, let us know what type of insurance you have. We’ll verify that we are in network with your plan and tell you what your cost is per session.

  • To get started on your healing journey, fill out our new client form here: New Client Form